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Datasheets found :: 27
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No. | Part Name | Description | Manufacturer |
1 | AD9002BD | High Speed 8-Bit Monolithic A/D Converter | Analog Devices |
2 | HCC4002BDG | Rad-hard dual 4-input NOR gate | ST Microelectronics |
3 | HCC4002BDT | Rad-hard dual 4-input NOR gate | ST Microelectronics |
4 | HEC4002BDB | Dual 4-input NOR gate | Philips |
5 | HEF4002BD | Dual 4-input NOR gate | Philips |
6 | IW4002BD | Dual 4-Input NOR Gate High-Voltage Silicon-Gate CMOS | INTEGRAL |
7 | JM38510/33002BDA | Hex Inverter | National Semiconductor |
8 | JM38510/33002BDA | Hex Inverter | National Semiconductor |
9 | JM38510/33002BDA | Hex Inverters | Texas Instruments |
10 | JM38510/34002BDA | Triple 3-Input AND Gate | National Semiconductor |
11 | JM38510/34002BDA | Triple 3-Input AND Gate | National Semiconductor |
12 | JM38510/34002BDA | Triple 3-Input Positive-AND Gates | Texas Instruments |
13 | JM38510/65002BDA | Triple 3-Input Positive-NAND Gates | Texas Instruments |
14 | JM38510/75002BDA | Triple 3-Input NAND Gate | National Semiconductor |
15 | JM38510/75002BDA | Triple 3-Input NAND Gate | National Semiconductor |
16 | JM38510R75002BD | Triple 3-Input NAND Gate | National Semiconductor |
17 | JM38510R75002BDA | Triple 3-Input NAND Gate | National Semiconductor |
18 | JM38510R75002BDA | Triple 3-Input NAND Gate | National Semiconductor |
19 | JM38510_33002BD | Hex Inverter | National Semiconductor |
20 | JM38510_34002BD | Triple 3-Input AND Gate | National Semiconductor |
21 | JM38510_75002BD | Triple 3-Input NAND Gate | National Semiconductor |
22 | M38510/33002BDA | Hex Inverters 14-CFP -55 to 125 | Texas Instruments |
23 | M38510/34002BDA | Triple 3-Input Positive-AND Gates 14-CFP -55 to 125 | Texas Instruments |
24 | MC14002BD | Dual 4-input NOR gate | Motorola |
26 | MC34002BD,D | Jfet input operational amplifier | Motorola |
27 | SL4002BD | Dual 4-Input NOR Gate | System Logic Semiconductor |
Datasheets found :: 27
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