No. |
Part Name |
Description |
Manufacturer |
1 |
LC201V02-A3 |
20.1 VGA TFT LCD |
Philips |
2 |
Q62702-A3461 |
Silicon Dual Schottky Diode (DBS mixer application to 12 GHz Low noise figure Medium barrier type) |
Siemens |
3 |
Q62702-A3466 |
Silicon Switching Diode Array (For high-speed switching applications Electrical insulated diodes) |
Siemens |
4 |
Q62702-A3468 |
Silicon Schottky Diode Array (General-purpose diode for high-speed switching Circuit protection Voltage clamping) |
Siemens |
5 |
Q62702-A3469 |
Silicon Schottky Diode Array (General-purpose diode for high-speed switching Circuit protection Voltage clamping) |
Siemens |
6 |
Q62702-A3470 |
Silicon Schottky Diodes (For low-loss, fast-recovery, meter protection, bias isolation and clamping applications Integrated diffused guard ring) |
Siemens |
7 |
Q62702-A3471 |
Silicon Switching Diode (Switching applications High breakdown voltage) |
Siemens |
8 |
Q62702-A3473 |
NPN Silicon AF Transistor |
Siemens |
9 |
Q62702-A3474 |
PNP Silicon AF Transistor |
Siemens |
10 |
Q62702-A376 |
Silicon Switching Diode Array (For high-speed switching Electrically insulated diodes) |
Siemens |
11 |
Q62702-A388 |
Silicon Switching Diode (For high-speed switching) |
Siemens |
| | | |