No. |
Part Name |
Description |
Manufacturer |
1 |
V23818-K305-L55 |
Small Form Factor Multimode 850 nm 1.0625 GBd Fibre Channel 1.25 Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 2x5 Pinning with LC Connector |
Infineon |
2 |
V23818-K305-L56 |
Small Form Factor Multimode 850 nm 1.0625 GBd Fibre Channel 1.3 Gigabit Ethernet 2x5 Transceiver with LC Connector |
Infineon |
3 |
V23818-K305-L57 |
MM 1.0625 GBd FC Transceiver |
Infineon |
4 |
V23818-M305-L57 |
Small Form Factor Multimode 850 nm 2.125 and 1.0625 GBd Fibre Channel 2x5 Transceiver with LC Connector |
Infineon |
| | | |