No. |
Part Name |
Description |
Manufacturer |
1 |
2SC3283A |
Class C, 800-960MHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM084081B-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3283A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) |
2 |
2SC3538 |
Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM094081B-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3538, see the Electrical Characteristics table) |
3 |
CD4081B-MIL |
CMOS Quad 2-Input AND Gate |
Texas Instruments |
4 |
CD4081B-W |
CMOS Quad 2-Input AND Gate 0-WAFERSALE |
Texas Instruments |
5 |
NEM084081B-12 |
Class C, 800-960MHz 12V power transistor |
6 |
NEM094081B-28 |
Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor |
| | | |