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Datasheets found :: 4
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No. | Part Name | Description | Manufacturer |
1 | AD5667R | Dual, 16-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C® Interface | Analog Devices |
2 | DRV2667RGPR | Piezo Haptic Driver with Boost, Digital Front End, and Internal Waveform Memory 20-QFN -40 to 85 | Texas Instruments |
3 | DRV2667RGPT | Piezo Haptic Driver with Boost, Digital Front End, and Internal Waveform Memory 20-QFN -40 to 85 | Texas Instruments |
4 | SN761667RHAR | Digital TV Tuner IC 40-VQFN -20 to 85 | Texas Instruments |
Datasheets found :: 4
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