No. |
Part Name |
Description |
Manufacturer |
1 |
IR1166SPBF |
200V Secondary Side High Speed SR Controller in a 8-Lead SOIC Package. <br /> |
International Rectifier |
2 |
IR2106SPBF |
High and Low Side Driver, SoftTurn-On, Noninverting Inputs in a 8-lead SOIC package |
International Rectifier |
3 |
IR21366SPBF |
3 Phase Driver, Soft Turn-on, Inverting Input Separate High and Low Side Inputs, 200ns Deadtime in a 28-lead SOIC package |
International Rectifier |
4 |
IR2136SPBF |
3 Phase Driver, Soft Turn-on, Inverting Input Separate High and Low Side Inputs, 200ns Deadtime in a 28-lead SOIC package |
International Rectifier |
5 |
IR2156SPBF |
International Rectifier |
6 |
IR2166SPBF |
PFC Ballast Control in a 16-lead SOIC Narrow package |
International Rectifier |
7 |
IR25606SPBF |
High voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver with independent high and low side referenced output channels. |
International Rectifier |
8 |
IR4426SPBF |
Dual Low Side Driver, Inverting Input in a 8-lead SOIC package |
International Rectifier |
9 |
20V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak package |
International Rectifier |
10 |
IRS21856SPBF |
High voltage and programmable ramp slope control gate driver for MOSFET and IGBT with single high side dual mode driver and low side driver. |
International Rectifier |
11 |
IRS21956SPBF |
High voltage and programmable ramp slope control gate driver |
International Rectifier |
12 |
High voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver for 3-phase applications |
International Rectifier |
13 |
Dual Low Sider Driver, low voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT drivers, Outputs out of phase with inputs |
International Rectifier |
| | | |