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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
1 15KP120 Glass passivated junction transient voltage suppressor. Vrwm = 120 V. Vbr(min/max) = 133/169.0 V @ It = 5.0 mA. Ir = 10 uA. Vc = 214 V @ Ipp = 70 A. Panjit International Inc
2 15KP120C Glass passivated junction transient voltage suppressor. Vrwm = 120 V. Vbr(min/max) = 133/169.0 V @ It = 5.0 mA. Ir = 10 uA. Vc = 214 V @ Ipp = 70 A. Panjit International Inc
3 2N3055 High power NPN transistor. General-purpose switching and amplifier application. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vcer = 70Vdc, Vcb = 100Vdc, Veb = 15Vdc, Ic = 7Adc, Ib = 7Adc, PD = 115W. USHA India LTD
4 2N5294 Silicon plastic power NPN transistor. General-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 70Vdc, Vcer = 75Vdc, Vcbo = 80Vdc, Veb = 7Vdc, Ic = 4Adc, Ib = 2Adc, PD = 36W. USHA India LTD
5 2N6107 PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 70Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 7Adc, PD = 40W. USHA India LTD
6 2N6292 Silicon plastic power NPN transistor. General-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 70Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 7Adc, Ib = 3Adc, PD = 40W. USHA India LTD
7 2SC1008 Low frequency amplifier medium speed switching. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 80V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 60V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 8V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 800mW. Collector current Ic = 700mA. USHA India LTD
8 2SC1009 High voltage amplifier. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 160V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 140V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 8V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 800mW. Collector current Ic = 700mA. USHA India LTD
9 BD241A NPN silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vces = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W USHA India LTD
10 BD242A PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vces = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 3Adc, PD = 40W. USHA India LTD
11 BSP 319 N-Channel MOSFET, 50V, SOT-223, RDSon = 70mW, 3.8A, LL Infineon
12 BU205 NPN, horizontal deflection transistor. Designed for use in large screen color deflection circuits. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vcex = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 2.5Adc, PD = 36W. USHA India LTD
13 BU208A NPN, horizontal deflection transistor. Designed for use in televisions. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vcex = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 5Adc, PD = 12.5W. USHA India LTD
14 BU208D NPN, horizontal deflection transistor with integrated damper diode. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vces = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 5Adc, PD = 60W. USHA India LTD
15 BU508A NPN, horizontal deflection transistor. Designed for use in large screen color deflection circuits. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vces = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 8Adc, PD = 125W. USHA India LTD
16 BU508D NPN, horizontal deflection transistor. Designed for use in large screen color deflection circuits. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vces = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 8Adc, PD = 125W. USHA India LTD
17 D100_06 Rectifier diode. All purpose mean power rectifier diodes, Non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V. USHA India LTD
18 DCR1003_06 Thyristor. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, high power drives. USHA India LTD
19 DCR1474_06 Thyristor. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V. D.C. motors control, controlled rectifiers, high power drives. USHA India LTD
20 DCR504_06 Thyristor. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C controllers. USHA India LTD
21 DS4000_06 Rectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes & welding. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V. USHA India LTD
22 FFM102 Surface mount glass passivated fast recovery silicon rectifier. MaxVRRM = 100V, maxVRMS = 70V, maxVDC = 100V. Current 1.0A. Rectron Semiconductor
23 FFM107 Surface mount glass passivated fast recovery silicon rectifier. MaxVRRM = 1000V, maxVRMS = 700V, maxVDC = 1000V. Current 1.0A. Rectron Semiconductor
24 MJ2955 PNP High power transistor. Designed for general-purpose switching and amplifier application. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vcer = 70Vdc, Vcb = 100Vdc Ic = 15Adc, PD = 115W. USHA India LTD
25 MJE13005 NPN, silicon plastic power transistor. For 115 and 220V switch-mode applications such as switching regulators, inverters motor controls, solenoid/relay drivers and deflection circuits. Vceo(sus) = 400Vdc, Vcev = 700Vdc, Veb = 9Vdc, Ic = 4A USHA India LTD
26 MJE13007 NPN, silicon plastic power transistor. Suited for 115 and 220V switch-mode applications such as switching regulators, inverters, motor controls, solenoid/relay. Vceo(sus) = 400Vdc, Vcev = 700Vdc, Veb = 9Vdc, Ic = 8Adc, Pd = 80W. USHA India LTD
27 MJE2955T PNP, silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for general-purpose switching and amplifier application. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vcb = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 10Adc, PD = 75W. USHA India LTD
28 MJE3055T NPN, silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for general-purpose switching and amplifier application. Vceo(sus) = 60Vdc, Vcb = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 10Adc, Pd = 75W. USHA India LTD
29 NTE5132A Zener diode, 5 watt, +-5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 17V. Test current Izt = 70mA. NTE Electronics
30 NTE5204A Zener diode, 10 watt, +-5% tolerance. Nominal zener voltage Vz = 36V. Zener test current Izt = 70mA. NTE Electronics

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