No. |
Part Name |
Description |
Manufacturer |
1 |
109T |
Positive Fixed Linear Voltage Regulators |
Microsemi |
2 |
28C64A |
Note:This product has become 'Obsolete' and is no longer offered as a viable device for design.28C64A is a 64K bit CMOS Parallel EEPROM. The 28C64A is accessed like a static RAM for the read or write cycles without the need of external com |
Microchip |
3 |
28LV64A |
Note:This product has become 'Obsolete' and is no longer offered as a viable device for design.28LV64A is a 64K bit CMOS Parallel EEPROM organized as 8K words by 8 bits. The 28LV64A is accessed like a static RAM for the read or write cycle |
Microchip |
4 |
2N3440S |
Silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistor intended for high voltage switching and linear amplifier applications |
5 |
2N3773 |
High power NPN transistor. High power audio and linear applications. Vceo = 140Vdc, Vcer = 150Vdc, Vcb = 160Vdc, Veb = 7Vdc, Ic = 16Adc, Ib = 4Adc, PD = 150W. |
USHA India LTD |
6 |
2N5942 |
Application Note - Broadband Linear Power Amplifiers using Push-Pull transistors |
Motorola |
7 |
2SC5265 |
Inverter-controlled Lighting Applications |
8 |
2SC5265LS |
NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor Inverter-Controlled Lighting Applications |
9 |
3650 |
Optically Coupled Linear Isolation Amplifier |
Texas Instruments |
10 |
3650, 3652 |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
11 |
3650HG |
Optically Coupled Linear Isolation Amplifier |
Texas Instruments |
12 |
3650JG |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
13 |
3650JG |
Optically Coupled Linear Isolation Amplifier |
Texas Instruments |
14 |
3650KG |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
15 |
3650KG |
Optically Coupled Linear Isolation Amplifier |
Texas Instruments |
16 |
3650MG |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
17 |
3650MG |
Optically Coupled Linear Isolation Amplifier |
Texas Instruments |
18 |
3650MGHG |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
19 |
3650MGHG1 |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
20 |
3652 |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
21 |
3652HG |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
22 |
3652HG1 |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
23 |
3652JG |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
24 |
3652MG |
Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS |
Burr Brown |
25 |
3B47 |
Isolated Linearized Thermocouple Input Signal Conditioning Module |
Analog Devices |
26 |
3B47-B-11 |
Isolated Linearized Thermocouple Input Signal Conditioning Module |
Analog Devices |
27 |
Isolated Linearized Thermocouple Input Signal Conditioning Module |
Analog Devices |
28 |
3B47-E-08 |
Isolated Linearized Thermocouple Input Signal Conditioning Module |
Analog Devices |
29 |
3B47-J-01 |
Isolated Linearized Thermocouple Input Signal Conditioning Module |
Analog Devices |
30 |
3B47-J-02 |
Isolated Linearized Thermocouple Input Signal Conditioning Module |
Analog Devices |
| | | |