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Datasheets found :: 6
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No. | Part Name | Description | Manufacturer |
1 | DDTA123EKA | Prebiased Transistors | Diodes |
2 | DTA123EKA | Digital transistors(built-in resistors) | Leshan Radio Company |
3 | DTA123EKA | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) | ROHM |
4 | DTA123EKAFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
5 | DTA123EKAFRAT146 | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
6 | DTA123EKAT146 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) | ROHM |
Datasheets found :: 6
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