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Datasheets for EP-R

Datasheets found :: 47
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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
1 1N5149 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor for 100MHz to 2.0 GHz harmonic-generation applications, output power to 25W al 1GHz Motorola
2 1N5150 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor for 100MHz to 2.0 GHz harmonic-generation applications, output power to 25W al 1GHz Motorola
3 1N5150A Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor device Motorola
4 1N5151 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor device Motorola
5 1N5152 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor device Motorola
6 1N5152A Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor device Motorola
7 1N5153 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor device Motorola
8 1N5153A Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor device Motorola
9 1N5154 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor, for multiplier applications from 2 to 8.5 GHz Motorola
10 1N5155 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor, for multiplier applications from 2 to 8.5 GHz Motorola
11 1N5155A Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor device Motorola
12 1N5156 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor epitaxial-passivated device Motorola
13 1N5157 Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor epitaxial-passivated device Motorola
14 AEP15012 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Without indicator contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
15 AEP15024 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 24 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Without indicator contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
16 AEP15112 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: a contact.. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
17 AEP15124 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 24 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: a contact.. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
18 AEP15312 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: b contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
19 AEP15324 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 24 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: b contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
20 AEP16012 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 60A. Without indicator contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
21 AEP16024 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 24 V DC. Contact arrangement: 1 form A. Contact rating: 60A. Without indicator contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
22 AEP25012 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement: 2 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Without indicator contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
23 AEP25024 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 24 V DC. Contact arrangement: 2 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Without indicator contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
24 AEP25112 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement: 2 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: a contact.. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
25 AEP25124 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 24 V DC. Contact arrangement: 2 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: a contact.. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
26 AEP25312 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement: 2 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: b contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
27 AEP25324 EP-relay. High voltage and current, out-off capacity in a compact package. Nominal voltage 24 V DC. Contact arrangement: 2 form A. Contact rating: 150A. Indicator contact arrangement: b contact. Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
28 MV1805C High-frequency step-recovery silicon power varactor for 100 MHz to 2.0 GHz Motorola
29 MV1806C Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor for 100MHz to 2.0 GHz harmonic-generation applications, output power to 25W al 1GHz Motorola
30 MV1807C Silicon high-frequency step-recovery power varactor for 100MHz to 2.0 GHz harmonic-generation applications, output power to 25W al 1GHz Motorola

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