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Datasheets for HAT I

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
1 24LC09 Note:This product has become 'Obsolete' and is no longer offered as a viable device.Please Consider 24LC08B InsteadThe 24LC09 is an 8-Kbit Electrically Erasable PROM (EEPROM) that is designed with a custom device address to meet the requir Microchip
2 AB-163 PARTIAL DISCHARGE TESTING: What It Is and What It Means Burr Brown
3 AB-163 PARTIAL DISCHARGE TESTING: What It Is and What It Means Burr Brown
4 AN129 What is MPS E2? Xicor
5 CONTROLLED Q RF technology - what it means, how its done Motorola
6 EB19 Application Note - Controlled - Q RF technology - what it means, how its done Motorola
7 IM13400 Cyntec IPM is integrated drive, protection and system control functions that is designed for high performance 3-phase motor driver etc
8 MCP3301 The MCP3301 13-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) features a full differential input and low power consumption in a small package that is ideal for battery powered systems and remote data acquisition applications. The industry-standard Microchip
9 MCP3302 The MCP3302 13-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) features full differential inputs and low power consumption in a small package that is ideal for battery powered systems and remote data acquisition applications. The industry-standard S Microchip
10 MCP3304 The MCP3304 13-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) features full differential inputs and low power consumption in a small package that is ideal for battery powered systems and remote data acquisition applications. The industry-standard S Microchip
11 MCP601 The MCP601 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 2.8 MHz with low typical operating current of 230 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 2 mV. The MCP601 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which provid Microchip
12 MCP602 The MCP602 dual operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 2.8 MHz with low typical operating current of 230 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 2 mV. The MCP602 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which p Microchip
13 MCP6021 The MCP6021 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 10 MHz with a low typical operating current of 1.0 mA and an offset voltage that is less than 0.5 mV. The MCP6021 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which p Microchip
14 MCP6022 The MCP6022 dual operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 10 MHz with a low typical operating current of 1.0 mA and an offset voltage that is less than 0.5 mV. The MCP6022 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, wh Microchip
15 MCP6023 The MCP6023 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 10 MHz with a low typical operating current of 1.0 mA and an offset voltage that is less than 0.5 mV. The MCP6023 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which p Microchip
16 MCP6024 The MCP6024 quad operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 10 MHz with a low typical operating current of 1.0 mA and an offset voltage that is less than 0.5 mV. The MCP6024 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, wh Microchip
17 MCP603 The MCP603 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 2.8 MHz with low typical operating current of 230 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 2 mV. The MCP603 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which provid Microchip
18 MCP6041 The MCP6041 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 14 kHz with a low typical operating current of 600 nA and an offset voltage that is less than 3 mV. The MCP6041 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which pro Microchip
19 MCP6042 The MCP6042 dual operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 14 kHz with a low typical operating current of 600 nA and an offset voltage that is less than 3 mV. The MCP6042 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, whic Microchip
20 MCP6043 The MCP6043 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 14 kHz with a low typical operating current of 600 nA and an offset voltage that is less than 3 mV. The MCP6043 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which pro Microchip
21 MCP6044 The MCP6044 quad operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 14 kHz with a low typical operating current of 600 nA and an offset voltage that is less than 3 mV. The MCP6044 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, whic Microchip
22 MCP606 The MCP606 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 155 kHz with a low typical operating current of 18.7 µA and an offset voltage that is less than 250 µV. The MCP606 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technolog Microchip
23 MCP607 The MCP607 dual operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 155 kHz with a low typical operating current of 18.7 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 250 �V. The MCP607 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, wh Microchip
24 MCP608 The MCP608 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 155 kHz with a low typical operating current of 18.7 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 250 �V. The MCP608uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which pr Microchip
25 MCP609 The MCP609 quad operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 155 kHz with a low typical operating current of 18.7 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 250 �V. The MCP609 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, wh Microchip
26 MCP616 The MCP616 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 190 kHz with a low typical operating current of 19 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 150 �V. The MCP616 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which pro Microchip
27 MCP617 The MCP617 dual operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 190 kHz with a low typical operating current of 19 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 150 �V. The MCP617 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, whic Microchip
28 MCP618 The MCP618 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 190 kHz with a low typical operating current of 19 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 150 �V. The MCP618 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which pro Microchip
29 MCP619 The MCP619 quad operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 190 kHz with a low typical operating current of 19 �A and an offset voltage that is less than 150 �V. The MCP619 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, whic Microchip
30 MCRF450 The MCRF45x family is a contactless read/write passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) IC device that is optimized for 13.56 MHz RF carrier signal. The device needs an external LC resonant circuit to communicate with interrogator wir Microchip

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