No. |
Part Name |
Description |
Manufacturer |
1 |
IRHNA7260 |
200V 100kRad Hi-Rel Single N-Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a SMD-2 package |
International Rectifier |
2 |
200V 100kRad Hi-Rel Single N-Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a SMD-2 package |
International Rectifier |
3 |
250V 100kRad Hi-Rel Single N-Channel SEE Hardened MOSFET in a SMD-2 package |
International Rectifier |
4 |
250V 100kRad Hi-Rel Single N-Channel SEE Hardened MOSFET in a SMD-2 package |
International Rectifier |
5 |
NA72 |
NA72 is a 7-input NAND gate with 2x drive strength |
Austria Mikro Systems |
6 |
NA72 |
NA72 is a 7-input NAND gate with 2x drive strength |
Austria Mikro Systems |
7 |
NA72 |
PNP 3.5A complementary power transistors |
National Semiconductor |
| | | |