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Datasheets for PROPORT

Datasheets found :: 35
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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
1 2017 28 and 48W true hermetically sealed proportionally controlled metal package heater hybrid Micropac Industries
2 2032 28 and 48W true hermetically sealed proportionally controlled metal package heater hybrid Micropac Industries
3 51974 True Hermetically Sealed Proportionally Controlled Heater Hybrids Micropac Industries
4 52228-B 50V; 40 and 50W true hermetically sealed proportionally controlled metal package heater hybrid Micropac Industries
5 52250-2 50V; 40 and 50W true hermetically sealed proportionally controlled metal package heater hybrid Micropac Industries
6 52280 True Hermetically Sealed Proportionally Controlled Metal Package Heater Hybrids Micropac Industries
7 APPLICATION-NOTE Block Diagram for LEFT/RIGHT & Forward/Reverse control type, proportional type NEC
8 SAK100 CONTROL CIRCUIT for digital-proportional sampling control VALVO
9 SAS231L Hall-IS with output voltage proportional to the magnetic field Siemens
10 TC1046 The TC1046 is a linear output temperature sensor whose output voltage is directly proportional to measured temperature. The TC1046 can accurately measure temperature from -40C to +125C. The output voltage range for this device is typically Microchip
11 TC1046VNBTR The TC1046 is a linear output temperature sensor whose output voltage is directly proportional to measured temperature. The TC1046 ... Microchip
12 TC1047 The TC1047 is a linear output temperature sensor whose output voltage is directly proportional to measured temperature. The TC1047 can accurately measure temperature from -40C to +125C. For the TC1047, the output voltage range is typically Microchip
13 TC1047A The TC1047A is a linear output temperature sensor whose output voltage is directly proportional to measured temperature. The TC1047A can accurately measure temperature from -40C to +125C. For the TC1047A, the output voltage range is typica Microchip
14 TC1047AVNBTR The TC1047A is a linear output temperature sensor whose output voltage is directly proportional to measured temperature. The TC1047A ... Microchip
15 TC642 The TC642 is a switch mode fan speed controller for use with brushless DC motors. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pulse width modulation. A thermistor (or other voltage output temperature sensor) connected to t Microchip
16 TC642B The TC642B is a new version of the existing TC642 fan speed controller. This device is a switch mode fan speed controller, which incorporates a new fan auto restart function. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pul Microchip
17 TC646 The TC646 is a switch mode fan speed controller for use with brushless DC motors. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pulse width modulation(PWM). A thermistor (or other voltage output temperature sensor)connected Microchip
18 TC646B The TC646B is a new version of the existing TC646 fan speed controller. This device is a switch mode fan speed controller, which incorporates a new fan auto restart function. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pul Microchip
19 TC647 The TC647 is a switch mode fan speed controller for use with brushless DC motors. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pulse width modulation. A thermistor (or other voltage output temperature sensor) connected to V Microchip
20 TC647B The TC647B is a new version of the existing TC647 fan speed controller. This device is a switch mode fan speed controller, which incorporates a new fan auto restart function. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pul Microchip
21 TC648 The TC648 is a switch mode fan speed controller for use with brushless DC motors. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pulse width modulation(PWM). A thermistor (or other voltage output temperature sensor) connected Microchip
22 TC648B The TC648B is a new version of the existing TC648 fan speed controller. This device is a switch mode fan speed controller, which incorporates a new fan auto restart function. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pul Microchip
23 TC649 The TC649 is a switch mode fan speed controller for use with brushless DC motors. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pulse width modulation(PWM). A thermistor (or other voltage output temperature sensor) connected Microchip
24 TC649B The TC649B is a new version of the existing TC649 fan speed controller. This device is a switch mode fan speed controller, which incorporates a new fan auto restart function. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pul Microchip
25 TC654 The TC654 is a dual PWM mode fan speed controller with FanSense TM technology for use with brush-less DC motors. The device allows temperature proportional speed control and therefore accomplishes lower acoustic fan noise and longer fan li Microchip
26 TC655 The TC655 is a dual PWM mode fan speed controller with FanSense TM technology for use with brush-less DC motors. The device allows temperature proportional speed control and therefore accomplishes lower acoustic fan noise and longer fan li Microchip
27 TC664 The TC664 is a single PWM mode fan speed controller with FanSense TM technology for use with brush-less DC motors. The device allows temperature proportional speed control and therefore accomplishes lower acoustic fan noise and longer fan Microchip
28 TC665 The TC665 is a single PWM mode fan speed controller with FanSense TM technology for use with brush-less DC motors. The device allows temperature proportional speed control and therefore accomplishes lower acoustic fan noise and longer fan Microchip
29 TC9400 The TC9400/TC9401/TC9402 are low-cost voltage-to-frequency (V/F)converters utilizing low power CMOS technology. The converters accept a variable analog input signal and generate an output pulse train whose frequency is linearly proportiona Microchip
30 TC9401 The TC9400/TC9401/TC9402 are low-cost voltage-to-frequency (V/F)converters utilizing low power CMOS technology. The converters accept a variable analog input signal and generate an output pulse train whose frequency is linearly proportiona Microchip

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