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Datasheets for TACTS

Datasheets found :: 41
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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
1 A20, WA20 Body components available with any desired pin and socket combination, Floating contacts, Meets applicable paragraphs of MIL-C-28748 Vishay
2 D...-CRCW Metal Glaze on High Quality Ceramic, Protective Over Glaze, SnPb Contacts on Ni Barrier Layer, Excellent Stability at Different Environmental Conditions, Suitable for Commercial and Special Applications Vishay
3 D..CRCW....LR Thick Film, Rectangular, Low Value Resistors, Special metal glaze on high quality ceramic, Protective overglaze, SnPb contacts on Ni barrier layer, Suitable for current sensors and shunts Vishay
4 D..HR/CRCW . . . Rarefied Metal Glaze on High Quality Ceramic, Protective Over Glaze Passivation, SnPb Contacts on Ni Barrier Layer, Silver Palladium Contacts for Conductive Adhesive Attachment on Request, Suitable for Voltage Dividers and Hybrids Vishay
5 D..HR/CRCW . . . Rarefied Metal Glaze on High Quality Ceramic, Protective Over Glaze Passivation, SnPb Contacts on Ni Barrier Layer, Silver Palladium Contacts for Conductive Adhesive Attachment on Request, Suitable for Voltage Dividers and Hybrids Vishay
6 D..P/CRCW Metal Glaze on High Quality Ceramic, Protective Over Glaze, SnPb Contacts on Ni Barrier Layer, Excellent Stability at Different Environmental Conditions Vishay
7 D..TR/CRCW....- 29 User Trimmable, Metal Glaze on High Quality Ceramic, SnPb Contacts on Ni Barrier Layer Vishay
8 EB4 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
9 EB4 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
10 EB6 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
11 EB6 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
12 EB7 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
13 EB7 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
14 EB8 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
15 EB8 HI TEMP High Temp (Glass Reinforced), Dual Readout, High Reliability Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Contacts or Gold Contacts, Recognized Under the Component Program of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc (File E65524) Vishay
16 EBT156 Single Readout, Dip Solder, Eyelet and Wire Wrap Termination, Modified Tuning Fork Contacts, Polarization On or Between Contact Positions, Polarizing Key is Reinforced Nylon, Protected Entry Vishay
17 G7SA Relays with Forcibly Guided Contacts Omron
18 G7SA-2A2B Relays with Forcibly Guided Contacts Omron
19 G7SA-3A1B Relays with Forcibly Guided Contacts Omron
20 G7SA-3A3B Relays with Forcibly Guided Contacts Omron
21 G7SA-4A2B Relays with Forcibly Guided Contacts Omron
22 G7SA-5A1B Relays with Forcibly Guided Contacts Omron
23 M10, M11, M12, M25 Thin Film, Rectangular, Resistor Chips, Metal film layer on high quality ceramic, Protective top coat, SnPb contacts on Ni barrier layer, Excellent stability at different environmental conditions, Low TC and tight tolerances Vishay
24 MM22 Rack and Panel Connectors, Military, MIL-C-28747/7/8 Qualified and Commercial Microminiature Rectangular with Optional Hoods, Solder Cup Contacts, Dip Solder Contacts Vishay
25 MM22 Rack and Panel Connectors, Military, MIL-C-28747/7/8 Qualified and Commercial Microminiature Rectangular with Optional Hoods, Solder Cup Contacts, Dip Solder Contacts Vishay
26 MM24 Rack and Panel Connectors, Military, MIL-C-28747/7/8 Qualified and Commercial Microminiature Rectangular with Optional Hoods, Solder Cup Contacts, Dip Solder Contacts Vishay
27 MM24 Rack and Panel Connectors, Military, MIL-C-28747/7/8 Qualified and Commercial Microminiature Rectangular with Optional Hoods, Solder Cup Contacts, Dip Solder Contacts Vishay
28 SF2 POLARISED / MONOSTABLE SAFETY RELAY with (mechanical linked) forced contacts operation Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
29 SF3 POLARISED / MONOSTABLE SAFETY RELAY with (mechanical linked) forced contacts operation Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)
30 SF4 POLARISED / MONOSTABLE SAFETY RELAY with (mechanical linked) forced contacts operation Matsushita Electric Works(Nais)

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