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Datasheets for TOR POL

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
1 2N2906A hfe min 40 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 0.6 A Voltage Vce sat max 0.4 V Voltage Vceo 60 V Current Ic @ Vce sat 150 mA Time fall @ Ic 50 ns Current Ic (hfe) 500 mA SGS Thomson Microelectronics
2 2N4427 ft min 500 MHz hfe min 10 Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 0.5 A Voltage Vcbo 40 V Voltage Vceo 20 V Current Ic (hfe) 100 mA Power Ptot 3.5 W SGS Thomson Microelectronics
3 2N5884 hfe min 20 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 25 A Voltage Vceo 80 V Current Ic (hfe) 10 A Power Ptot 200 W Temperature power 25 ?C Transistors number of 1 SGS Thomson Microelectronics
4 2N918 hfe min 20 ft typ 600 MHz Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 0.05 A Voltage Vcbo 30 V Voltage Vceo 15 V Current Ic (hfe) 3 mA Power Ptot 0.2 W SGS Thomson Microelectronics
5 BC212 ft min 200 MHz hfe min 60 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 0.2 A Voltage Vcbo 60 V Voltage Vceo 50 V Current Ic (hfe) 2 mA Power Ptot 625 mW Fairchild Semiconductor
6 BC477 ft min 100 MHz hfe min 50 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 0.15 A Voltage Vcbo 90 V Voltage Vceo 80 V Current Ic (hfe) 2 mA Power Ptot 360 mW SGS Thomson Microelectronics
7 BC848A hfe min 110 NF max. 10 dB Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 100 mA Voltage Vceo 30 V Current Ic (hfe) 2 mA Power Ptot 350 mW Fairchild Semiconductor
8 BC848C hfe min 420 NF max. 10 dB Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 100 mA Voltage Vceo 30 V Current Ic (hfe) 2 mA Power Ptot 250 mW Fairchild Semiconductor
9 BC858C hfe min 420 NF max. 10 dB Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 100 mA Voltage Vceo 30 V Current Ic (hfe) 2 mA Power Ptot 350 mW Fairchild Semiconductor
10 BD137 hfe min 40 Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 1 A Voltage Vceo 60 V Current Ic (hfe) 0.15 A Power Ptot 12.5 W Temperature power 25 ?C Transistors number of 1 SGS Thomson Microelectronics
11 BF245 Tranzystor polowy z��czowy (FET): kana� n Ultra CEMI
12 BF459 Transistor polarity NPN Voltage Vceo 300 V Current Ic av. 0.1 A Power Ptot 6 W SGS Thomson Microelectronics
13 BFR30 Tranzystor polowy z��czowy (FET): kana� n Ultra CEMI
14 BFR31 Tranzystor polowy z��czowy (FET): kana� n Ultra CEMI
15 BU426A Transistor polarity NPN Voltage Vce sat max 3 V Voltage Vceo 400 V Current Ic @ Vce sat 4 A Time fall @ Ic 0.75 ?s Current Ic av. 6 A Power Ptot 70 W Voltage Vces 900 V SGS Thomson Microelectronics
16 BUF405A Transistor polarity NPN Voltage Vce sat max 2.8 V Voltage Vceo 450 V Current Ic @ Vce sat 2.5 A Time fall @ Ic 0.1 ?s Current Ic av. 7.5 A Power Ptot 80 W Voltage Vces 1000 V SGS Thomson Microelectronics
17 HUF75333G3 Power dissipation 111 W Transistor polarity N Channel Current Id cont. 56 A Pitch lead 5.45 mm Voltage Vds max 55 V Resistance Rds on 0.016 R Temperature current 25 ?C Temperature power 25 ?C Fairchild Semiconductor
18 MJ802 hfe min 25 Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 30 A Voltage Vceo 90 V Current Ic (hfe) 7.5 A Power Ptot 200 W Temperature power 25 ?C Transistors number of 1 SGS Thomson Microelectronics
19 NDH833N Length/Height 1.02 mm Width 4.55 mm Depth 4.06 mm Power dissipation 1.8 W Transistor polarity N Channel Current Id cont. 7.1 A Voltage Vgs th max. 2.7 V Voltage Vds max 20 V Fairchild Semiconductor
20 NDH8436 Length/Height 1.02 mm Width 4.55 mm Depth 4.06 mm Power dissipation 1.8 W Transistor polarity N Channel Current Id cont. 5.8 A Voltage Vgs th max. 4.5 V Voltage Vds max 30 V Fairchild Semiconductor
21 NDH853N Length/Height 1.02 mm Width 4.55 mm Depth 4.06 mm Power dissipation 1.8 W Transistor polarity N Channel Current Id cont. 7.6 A Voltage Vgs th max. 4.5 V Voltage Vds max 30 V Fairchild Semiconductor
22 NDH854P Length/Height 1.02 mm Width 4.55 mm Depth 4.06 mm Power dissipation 1.8 W Transistor polarity P Channel Current Id cont. 5.1 A Voltage Vgs th max. 4.5 V Voltage Vds max 30 V Fairchild Semiconductor
23 STE250N06 Length/Height 12.2 mm Width 25.4 mm Depth 38 mm Power dissipation 450 W Transistor polarity N Channel Centres fixing 31.6 mm Current Id cont. 250 A Current Idm pulse 750 A Voltage isolation 2.5 kV SGS Thomson Microelectronics

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