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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
1 1N5370B Glass passivated junction silicon zener diode. Power 5.0 Watt. Vz @ Izt = 56V, Izt =20mA Panjit International Inc
2 1N5380B Glass passivated junction silicon zener diode. Power 5.0 Watt. Vz @ Izt = 120V, Izt =10mA Panjit International Inc
3 2N3055H NPN silicon power transistor. 15Amp, 100V, 115Watt. These devices are designed for general purpose switching and amplifier applications. USHA India LTD
4 2N3773AR NPN silicon power transistor. 16Amp, 140V, 150Watt. High power audio, disk head positioners and other linear applications. Power switching circuits such as relay or solenoid drivers, dc to dc converters or inverters. USHA India LTD
5 BAT14-099R Silicon Crossover Ring Quad RF Schott... Infineon
6 BAT15-099R Silicon Crossover Ring Quad RF Schott... Infineon
7 BU204 NPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 2.5Amp, 1300V, 36Watt. USHA India LTD
8 BU208 NPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 5Amp, 1300V, 12.5Watt. USHA India LTD
9 LP101 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage 5VDC. Output current 5000mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2670mA(full load). International Power Sources
10 LP102 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage 12VDC. Output current 2000mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2500mA(full load). International Power Sources
11 LP103 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage 15VDC. Output current 1650mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2575mA(full load). International Power Sources
12 LP104 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage +-5VDC. Output current +-2500mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2670mA(full load). International Power Sources
13 LP105 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage +-12VDC. Output current +-1000mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2500mA(full load). International Power Sources
14 LP106 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage +-15VDC. Output current +-830mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2590mA(full load). International Power Sources
15 LP107 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage 5/+-12VDC. Output current 2500/+-500mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2550mA(full load). International Power Sources
16 LP108 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 9-18VDC. Output voltage 5/+-15VDC. Output current 2500/+-400mA. Input current 30mA(no load), 2550mA(full load). International Power Sources
17 LP201 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage 5VDC. Output current 5000mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1560mA(full load). International Power Sources
18 LP202 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage 12VDC. Output current 2000mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1525mA(full load). International Power Sources
19 LP203 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage 15VDC. Output current 1650mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1525mA(full load). International Power Sources
20 LP204 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage +-5VDC. Output current +-2500mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1560mA(full load). International Power Sources
21 LP205 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage +-12VDC. Output current +-1000mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1525mA(full load). International Power Sources
22 LP206 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage +-15VDC. Output current +-830mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1525mA(full load). International Power Sources
23 LP207 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage 5/+-12VDC. Output current 3000/+-625mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1520mA(full load). International Power Sources
24 LP208 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 18-36VDC. Output voltage 5/+-15VDC. Output current 3000/+-500mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 1525mA(full load). International Power Sources
25 LP301 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 36-72VDC. Output voltage 5VDC. Output current 5000mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 760mA(full load). International Power Sources
26 LP302 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 36-72VDC. Output voltage 12VDC. Output current 2000mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 745mA(full load). International Power Sources
27 LP303 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 36-72VDC. Output voltage 15VDC. Output current 1650mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 740mA(full load). International Power Sources
28 LP304 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 36-72VDC. Output voltage +-5VDC. Output current +-2500mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 760mA(full load). International Power Sources
29 LP305 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 36-72VDC. Output voltage +-12VDC. Output current +-1000mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 740mA(full load). International Power Sources
30 LP306 Low profile DC/DC converter, 25/30 watt. Voltage range 36-72VDC. Output voltage +-15VDC. Output current +-830mA. Input current 20mA(no load), 740mA(full load). International Power Sources

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