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Datasheets for NT I

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
121 26S3R3 Bobbin Wound Surface Mount Inductors C&D Technologies
122 26S470 Bobbin Wound Surface Mount Inductors C&D Technologies
123 26S471 Bobbin Wound Surface Mount Inductors C&D Technologies
124 26S4R7 Bobbin Wound Surface Mount Inductors C&D Technologies
125 26S680 Bobbin Wound Surface Mount Inductors C&D Technologies
126 26S681 Bobbin Wound Surface Mount Inductors C&D Technologies
127 26S6R8 Bobbin Wound Surface Mount Inductors C&D Technologies
128 2N2906A hfe min 40 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 0.6 A Voltage Vce sat max 0.4 V Voltage Vceo 60 V Current Ic @ Vce sat 150 mA Time fall @ Ic 50 ns Current Ic (hfe) 500 mA SGS Thomson Microelectronics
129 2N2906A hfe min 40 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 0.6 A Voltage Vce sat max 0.4 V Voltage Vceo 60 V Current Ic @ Vce sat 150 mA Time fall @ Ic 50 ns Current Ic (hfe) 500 mA SGS Thomson Microelectronics
130 2N2906A hfe min 40 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 0.6 A Voltage Vce sat max 0.4 V Voltage Vceo 60 V Current Ic @ Vce sat 150 mA Time fall @ Ic 50 ns Current Ic (hfe) 500 mA SGS Thomson Microelectronics
131 2N4427 ft min 500 MHz hfe min 10 Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 0.5 A Voltage Vcbo 40 V Voltage Vceo 20 V Current Ic (hfe) 100 mA Power Ptot 3.5 W SGS Thomson Microelectronics
132 2N4427 ft min 500 MHz hfe min 10 Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 0.5 A Voltage Vcbo 40 V Voltage Vceo 20 V Current Ic (hfe) 100 mA Power Ptot 3.5 W SGS Thomson Microelectronics
133 2N5884 hfe min 20 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 25 A Voltage Vceo 80 V Current Ic (hfe) 10 A Power Ptot 200 W Temperature power 25 ?C Transistors number of 1 SGS Thomson Microelectronics
134 2N5884 hfe min 20 Transistor polarity PNP Current Ic continuous max 25 A Voltage Vceo 80 V Current Ic (hfe) 10 A Power Ptot 200 W Temperature power 25 ?C Transistors number of 1 SGS Thomson Microelectronics
135 2N918 hfe min 20 ft typ 600 MHz Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 0.05 A Voltage Vcbo 30 V Voltage Vceo 15 V Current Ic (hfe) 3 mA Power Ptot 0.2 W SGS Thomson Microelectronics
136 2N918 hfe min 20 ft typ 600 MHz Transistor polarity NPN Current Ic continuous max 0.05 A Voltage Vcbo 30 V Voltage Vceo 15 V Current Ic (hfe) 3 mA Power Ptot 0.2 W SGS Thomson Microelectronics
137 2PG006 Silicon N-channel enhancement IGBT Panasonic
138 2PG009 Silicon N-channel enhancement IGBT Panasonic
139 2PG011 Silicon N-channel enhancement IGBT Panasonic
140 2SB564A Audio frequency power amplifier. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = -30V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = -25V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = -5V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 800mW. Collector current Ic = -1.0A. USHA India LTD
141 2SC1008 Low frequency amplifier medium speed switching. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 80V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 60V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 8V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 800mW. Collector current Ic = 700mA. USHA India LTD
142 2SC1009 High voltage amplifier. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 160V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 140V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 8V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 800mW. Collector current Ic = 700mA. USHA India LTD
143 2SC1674 TV PIF amplifier, FM tuner RF amplifier, mixer, occillator. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 30V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 20V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 4V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 250mW. Collector current Ic = 20mA. USHA India LTD
144 2SC1675 FM/AM RF amplifier, mixer, converter, oscillator,IF. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 50V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 30V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 5V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 250mW. Collector current Ic = 50mA. USHA India LTD
145 2SC1845 Audio frequency low noise amplifier. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 120V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 120V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 5V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 500mW. Collector current Ic = 50mA. USHA India LTD
146 2SC2001 Transistor. General purpose applications high total power disipation . Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 30V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 25V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 5V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 600mW. Collector current Ic = 7 USHA India LTD
147 2SC2365 TRANSISTOR Micro Electronic Instrument Inc
148 2SC5094 Dual Inverter (open drain) with 3.6 V Tolerant Input and Output TOSHIBA
149 2SC838 Transistor. FM radio RF amp, mix. conv, osc, IF amp . Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 35V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 30V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 4V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 250mW. Collector current Ic = 30mA. USHA India LTD
150 2SC9011 Transistor. AM converter, AM/FM IF amplifier general purpose transistor. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 60V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 30V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 5V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 400mW. Collector current Ic = USHA India LTD

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