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Datasheets for TE R

Datasheets found :: 2018
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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
121 AT16646G-20XC AT16646 Fast Logic 16-Bit Tri-State Register Atmel
122 AT16646G-20YC AT16646 Fast Logic 16-Bit Tri-State Register Atmel
123 AT89C51AC3 8-bit microcontroller with A/D converter and 64-Kbyte Flash. 2-Kbyte RAM, 2-Kbyte EEPROM, SPI. Power Fail Detect (no need for external ... Atmel
124 AT89C51CC03 8-bit microcontroller with CAN controller and 64-Kbyte Flash. 2-Kbyte RAM, 2-Kbyte EEPROM, SPI. Power Fail Detect (no need for external brown- out). Pinout compatible with T89C51CC01. Atmel
125 AT90S1200 1-Kbyte In-System programmable Flash Program Memory, 64-Byte EEPROM, 32-Byte Register File, Up to 12 MIPS throughput at 12 MHz. Atmel
126 AT90SC19236RT Low-power, High performance 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 192K Byte ROM, 36K Byte EEPROM programmable internal oscillator. Security Features: MMU, MED, OTP (one time programmable) EEPROM area, RN (Random Number Generator), "out Atmel
127 AT90SC19264RC Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 192K Byte ROM and 64K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
128 AT90SC19272RC Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 192K Byte ROM and 72K Byte EEPROM. Security Features: MMU, MED, OTP (One Time Programmable) EEPROM area, RNG (Random Number Generator), "out of bounds" detectors, side chan Atmel
129 AT90SC25672R Low-power, High performance 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 256K Byte ROM, 72K Byte EEPROM. Security Features: MMU, MED, OTP (one time programmable) EEPROM area, RN (Random Number Generator), "out of bounds" detectors, side channe Atmel
130 AT90SC25672RT Low-power, High performance 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 256K Byte ROM, 72K Byte EEPROM. Security Features: MMU, MED, OTP (one time programmable) EEPROM area, RN (Random Number Generator), "out of bounds" detectors, side channe Atmel
131 AT90SC320856 Low-power, high-performance, 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 32K Byte ROM, 8K Byte FLASH and 56K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
132 AT90SC320856S Low-power, high-performance, 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 32K Byte ROM, 8K Byte FLASH and 56K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
133 AT90SC4802R Low-power, High performance 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 48K Byte ROM, 2K Byte EEPROM. Security Features: OTP (one time programmable) EEPROM area, RNG (Random Number Generator), "out of bounds" detectors, side channel attack co Atmel
134 AT90SC4816R Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 48K Byte ROM and 16K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
135 AT90SC4816RS Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 48K Byte ROM and 16K Byte EEPROM. Security Features: MMU, MED, OTP (One Time Programmable) EEPROM area, RNG (random Number Generator), "out of bounds" detectors, side chann Atmel
136 AT90SC6404R Low-power, High Performance 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 64K Byte ROM, 4K Byte EEPROM. Security Features: OTP (one time programmable) EEPROM area, RNG (Random Number Generator), "out of bounds" detectors, side channel attack co Atmel
137 AT90SC6432R Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 64K Byte ROM and 32K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
138 AT90SC6464C Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 64K Byte ROM and 64K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
139 AT90SC6464C-USB Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 64K Byte ROM and 64K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
140 AT90SC9608RC Low-power, High performance 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 96K Byte ROM, 8K Byte EEPROM. Security Features: OTP (one time programmable) EEPROM area, RNG (Random Number Generator), "out of bounds" detectors, side channel attack co Atmel
141 AT90SC9616RC Low-power, high-performance, 8-/16-bit secure microcontroller with 96K Byte ROM and 16K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
142 AT90SC9636R Low-power, High performance 8-bit/16-bit secure microcontroller with 96K Byte ROM, 36K Byte EEPROM, programmable internal oscillator. Security Features: MMU, MED, OTP (one time programmable) EEPROM area, RN (Random Number Generator), "out Atmel
143 AT91SC25672RC Low-power, high-performance, 32-bit RISC secure microcontroller with 256K Byte ROM, 72K Byte EEPROM. Atmel
144 ATTINY13 1-Kbyte In-System programmable Flash Program Memory, 64-Byte SRAM, 64-Byte EEPROM, 32-Byte Register File, 4-channel 10-bit A/D, Up to 16 MIPS throughput at 16 MHz, 5 Volts. 1.8 - 5.5 Volt Operation. Atmel
145 ATTINY15L 1-Kbyte In-System programmable Flash Program Memory, 64-Byte EEPROM, 32-Byte Register File, 4-channel 10-bit A/D, Up to 1.6 MIPS throughput at 1.6 MHz. 3-volt operation Atmel
146 B3020R5A 200VDC; 0.5Amp; PC board mount solid state relay International Rectifier
147 BA3126F 2-channel head switch for radio cassette recorders ROHM
148 BA3126N 2-channel head switch for radio cassette recorders ROHM
149 BA3420 Dual recording / playback preamplifier for radio cassette recorders ROHM
150 BA3920 Reference Voltage Generator for CD Radio Cassette Recorder ROHM

Datasheets found :: 2018
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