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Datasheets for AND AMP

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
181 BC337 Transistor. Switching and ampplifier applications. Suitable for AF-driver stagees and power output stages. Collector-base Vcbo = 50V. Collector-emitter Vceo= 45V. Emitter-base Vebo = 5V. Collector dissipation Pc = 625mW. Collector current USHA India LTD
182 BC338 Switching and Amplifier Applications Fairchild Semiconductor
183 BC338 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications Semtech
184 BC338 Transistor. Switching and ampplifier applications. Suitable for AF-driver stagees and power output stages. Vces = 30V, Vceo= 25V, Vebo = 5V, Pc = 625mW, Ic = 800mA. USHA India LTD
185 BC635 Transistor. Switching and amplifier applications. Vcer = 45V, Vces = 45V, Vceo= 45V, Vebo = 5V, Pc = 1W, Ic = 1A. USHA India LTD
186 BC636 Transistor. Switching and amplifier applications. Vcer = -45V, Vces = -45V, Vceo= -45V, Vebo = -5V, Pc = 1W, Ic = -1A. USHA India LTD
187 BC637 Transistor. Switching and amplifier applications. Vcer = 60V, Vces = 60V, Vceo= 60V, Vebo = 5V, Pc = 1W, Ic = 1A. USHA India LTD
188 BC638 Transistor. Switching and amplifier applications. Vcer = -60V, Vces = -60V, Vceo = -60V, Vebo = -5V, Pc = 1W, Ic = -1A. USHA India LTD
189 BC640 Transistor. Switching and amplifier applications. Vcer = -100V, Vces = -100V, Vceo = -80V, Vebo = -5V, Pc = 1W, Ic = -1A. USHA India LTD
190 BD241A NPN silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vces = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W USHA India LTD
191 BD241B NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vces = 90Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W USHA India LTD
192 BD241C NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vces = 115Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W USHA India LTD
193 BD242A PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vces = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 3Adc, PD = 40W. USHA India LTD
194 BD242B PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vces = 90Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 3Adc, PD = 40W. USHA India LTD
195 BD242C PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vces = 115Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 3Adc, PD = 40W. USHA India LTD
196 BD243A NPN silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vcb = 60Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 6Adc, Pd = 65W USHA India LTD
197 BD243B NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 6Adc, Pd = 65W USHA India LTD
198 BD243C NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vcb = 100Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 6Adc, Pd = 65W USHA India LTD
199 BD244A PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vcb = 60Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 6Adc, PD = 65W. USHA India LTD
200 BD244B PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 6Adc, PD = 65W. USHA India LTD
201 BD244C PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vcb = 100Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 6Adc, PD = 65W. USHA India LTD
202 BDX77 Medium Power Switching and Amplifier Applications Continental Device India Limited
203 BF771 RF-Bipolar - For modulators and amplifiers in TV and VCR tuners Infineon
204 BF771 NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For modulators and amplifiers in TV and VCR tuners) Siemens
205 BF771W RF-Bipolar - For modulators and amplifiers in TV and VCR tuners Infineon
206 BF771W NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For modulators and amplifiers in TV and VCR tuners) Siemens
207 BF799 RF-Bipolar - For linear broadband amplifier application up to 500 MHz and as SAW filter driver in TV tuners Infineon
208 BF799 NPN SILICON RF TRANSISTOR (For linear broadband amplifier applications up to 500 MHz SAW filter driver in TV tuners) Siemens
209 BF799W RF-Bipolar - For linear broadband amplifier application up to 500 MHz and as SAW filter driver in TV tuners Infineon
210 BF799W NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For linear broadband amplifier applications up to 500MHz SAW filter driver in TV tuners) Siemens

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