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Datasheets for 2VX

Datasheets found :: 209
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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
31 5962F-9583302VXA Quad driver: SMD. Lead finish hot solder dipped. QML class V. Total dose 3E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
32 5962F-9583302VXC Quad driver: SMD. Lead finish gold. QML class V. Total dose 3E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
33 5962F-9583302VXX Quad driver: SMD. Lead finish factory option. QML class V. Total dose 3E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
34 5962F0150202VXA RadHard 1750AR RISC microcontroller: SMD. 16MHz, RH microcontroller. Class V. Lead finish solder. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
35 5962F0150202VXC RadHard 1750AR RISC microcontroller: SMD. 16MHz, RH microcontroller. Class V. Lead finish gold. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
36 5962F0150202VXX RadHard 1750AR RISC microcontroller: SMD. 16MHz, RH microcontroller. Class V. Lead finish optional. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
37 5962F0252302VXA 16-bit microcontroller: SMD. Class V, 20MHz. Lead finish solder. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
38 5962F0252302VXC 16-bit microcontroller: SMD. Class V, 20MHz. Lead finish gold. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
39 5962F0252302VXX 16-bit microcontroller: SMD. Class V, 20MHz. Lead finish optional. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
40 5962F1120102VXA 72-Mbit QDR� II+ SRAM Four-Word Burst Architecture with RadStop™ Technology Cypress
41 5962F9475402VXA Radiation Hardened PAL: SMD. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). 25ns propagation delay, TTL I/O. Class V. Lead finish solder. Aeroflex Circuit Technology
42 5962F9475402VXC Radiation Hardened PAL: SMD. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). 25ns propagation delay, TTL I/O. Class V. Lead finish gold. Aeroflex Circuit Technology
43 5962F9475402VXX Radiation Hardened PAL: SMD. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). 25ns propagation delay, TTL I/O. Class V. Lead finish optional. Aeroflex Circuit Technology
44 5962F9560402VXA Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiers 16-CFP -55 to 125 Texas Instruments
45 5962F9563002VXC Rad-Hard 16 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexer with High-Z Analog Input Protection Intersil
46 5962F9583402VXA Quad receiver: SMD. QML class V. Lead finish hot solder dipped. Total dose 3E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
47 5962F9583402VXC Quad receiver: SMD. QML class V. Lead finish gold. Total dose 3E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
48 5962F9583402VXX Quad receiver: SMD. QML class V. Lead finish factory option. Total dose 3E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
49 5962F9684502VXA Dual-port SRAM: SMD with busy flag. Lead finish solder. Class V. Device type 02 (4Kx9, CMOS compatible inputs, 45 ns). Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
50 5962F9684502VXC Dual-port SRAM: SMD with busy flag. Lead finish gold. Class V. Device type 02 (4Kx9, CMOS compatible inputs, 45 ns). Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
51 5962F9684502VXX Dual-port SRAM: SMD with busy flag. Lead finish optional. Class V. Device type 02 (4Kx9, CMOS compatible inputs, 45 ns). Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
52 5962F9687302VXA Radiation-hardenet 8Kx8 PROM: SMD. 45ns access time, TTL inputs, CMOS/TTL compatible outputs. Class V. Lead finish solder. Total dose 3E5rads(Si) Aeroflex Circuit Technology
53 5962F9687302VXC Radiation-hardenet 8Kx8 PROM: SMD. 45ns access time, TTL inputs, CMOS/TTL compatible outputs. Class V. Lead finish gold. Total dose 3E5rads(Si) Aeroflex Circuit Technology
54 5962F9687302VXX Radiation-hardenet 8Kx8 PROM: SMD. 45ns access time, TTL inputs, CMOS/TTL compatible outputs. Class V. Lead finish optional. Total dose 3E5rads(Si) Aeroflex Circuit Technology
55 5962F9855202VXA RadHard microcontroller: SMD. 16 MHz operating frequency. Class V. Lead finish solder. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
56 5962F9855202VXC RadHard microcontroller: SMD. 16 MHz operating frequency. Class V. Lead finish gold. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
57 5962F9855202VXX RadHard microcontroller: SMD. 16 MHz operating frequency. Class V. Lead finish optional. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
58 5962G-0153402VXA 75MHz serializer. Lead finish hot solder dipped. QML class V. Total dose 5E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
59 5962G-0153402VXC 75MHz serializer. Lead finish gold. QML class V. Total dose 5E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
60 5962G-0153402VXX 75MHz serializer. Lead finish factory option. QML class V. Total dose 5E5 rad(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology

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