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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
31 2SC1925 NPN silicon high speed switching transistor (This datasheet NE32740B series is also the datasheet of 2SC1925, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
32 2SC2025 NPN medium power UHF-VHF transistor (This datasheet of NE416 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2025, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
33 2SC2025 NPN medium power UHF-VHF transistor (This datasheet of NE416 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2025, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
34 2SC2150 NPN silicon microwave transistor (This datasheet of NE57835 is also the datasheet of 2SC2150, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
35 2SC2150 NPN silicon microwave transistor (This datasheet of NE57835 is also the datasheet of 2SC2150, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
36 2SC2217 NPN silicon High Frequency Transistor (This datasheet NE21903 is also the datasheet of 2SC2217, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
37 2SC2217 NPN silicon High Frequency Transistor (This datasheet NE21903 is also the datasheet of 2SC2217, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
38 2SC2558K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080190 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2558K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
39 2SC2558K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080190 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2558K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
40 2SC2558M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080191 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2558M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
41 2SC2558M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080191 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2558M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
42 2SC2559K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080490 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2559K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
43 2SC2559K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080490 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2559K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
44 2SC2559M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080491 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2559M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
45 2SC2559M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080491 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2559M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
46 2SC2585 NPN Silicon High Frequency Transistor (This datasheet of NE64535 is also the datasheet of 2SC2585, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
47 2SC2585 NPN Silicon High Frequency Transistor (This datasheet of NE64535 is also the datasheet of 2SC2585, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
48 2SC2759 NPN silicon general purpose transistor (This datasheet of the NE73433 is also the datasheet of 2SC2759, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
49 2SC2759 NPN silicon general purpose transistor (This datasheet of the NE73433 is also the datasheet of 2SC2759, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
50 2SC2850K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE081090 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2850K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
51 2SC2850K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE081090 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2850K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
52 2SC2850M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE081091 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2850M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
53 2SC2850M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE081091 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2850M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
54 2SC2952 NPN medium power microwave transistor (This datasheet of NE24615 is also the datasheet of 2SC2952, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
55 2SC2952 NPN medium power microwave transistor (This datasheet of NE24615 is also the datasheet of 2SC2952, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
56 2SC3139 CLASS A, 860MHz 24V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL080120-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3139, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
57 2SC3139 CLASS A, 860MHz 24V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL080120-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3139, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
58 2SC3140 CLASS A, 860MHz 24V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL080220-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3140, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
59 2SC3140 CLASS A, 860MHz 24V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL080220-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3140, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
60 2SC3141 CLASS A, 860MHz 24V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL080525-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3141, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC

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