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Datasheets for F E

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
31 BC859BF E6327 Single AF Transistors for General Purpose Applications Infineon
32 BC860BF E6327 Single AF Transistors for General Purpose Applications Infineon
33 CP Commercial Power, Axial Lead, Fireproof Inorganic Construction, Fusible Styles Available, Meets or Exceeds Requirements of EIA Standard RS-344, High Thermal Conductivity and Humidity Resistance Vishay
34 CPCL, CPCC, CPCP, CPCF Commercial Power, Vertical Mount, Space Saving, Meets or Exceeds Requirements of EIA Standard RS-344, Fireproof Inorganic Construction, High Thermal Conductivity and Humidity Resistance Vishay
35 CSPEMI607 4 Channel LCD EMI Filter Array with ESD Protection plus 4-Channel of ESD Protection Array California Micro Devices Corp
36 CSPEMI607G 4 Channel LCD EMI Filter Array with ESD Protection plus 4-Channel of ESD Protection Array California Micro Devices Corp
37 DM9312 One of Eight Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers National Semiconductor
38 DM9312N One of Eight Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers National Semiconductor
39 EQUIVALENTS TESLA Cross reference and equivalents of electronic components Tesla Elektronicke
40 ESD8472 Ultra-Low Capacitance RF ESD Protection ON Semiconductor
41 F2813-11 Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
42 F2813-11M Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
43 F2813-11P Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
44 F2813-11S Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
45 F2813-12 Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
46 F2813-12M Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
47 F2813-12P Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
48 F2813-12S Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
49 F2813-13 Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
50 F2813-13M Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
51 F2813-13P Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
52 F2813-13S Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
53 F2813-21 Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
54 F2813-21M Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
55 F2813-21P Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
56 F2813-21S Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
57 F2813-22 Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
58 F2813-22M Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
59 F2813-22P Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation
60 F2813-22S Rectangular MCP and assembly series. For detection and imaging of electron, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and V-rays: mass spectroscopy, energy spectroscopy and high-speed response CRTs Hamamatsu Corporation

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