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Datasheets for R 27

Datasheets found :: 140
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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
31 269-B-270-M-14XX-A DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Nonisolated, PMF. No connector. Agere Systems
32 269-B-270-M-14XX-B DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Nonisolated, PMF. Connector SC/APC. Agere Systems
33 269-B-270-M-14XX-C DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Nonisolated, PMF. Connector FC/APC. Agere Systems
34 269-C-270-D-14XX-A DFB, single mode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, SMF. NO connector. Agere Systems
35 269-C-270-D-14XX-B DFB, single mode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, SMF. Connector SC/APC. Agere Systems
36 269-C-270-D-14XX-C DFB, single mode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, SMF. Connector FC/APC. Agere Systems
37 269-C-270-F1480-A 1480 nm pump laser module. C - isolated, SMF. Operating power 270 mW. A = no connector. Agere Systems
38 269-C-270-F1480-B 1480 nm pump laser module. C - isolated, SMF. Operating power 270 mW. B = SC/APC connector. Agere Systems
39 269-C-270-F1480-C 1480 nm pump laser module. C - isolated, SMF. Operating power 270 mW. C = FC/APC connector. Agere Systems
40 269-C-270-M-14XX-A DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, SMF. No connector, Agere Systems
41 269-C-270-M-14XX-B DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, SMF. Connector SC/APC. Agere Systems
42 269-C-270-M-14XX-C DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, SMF. Connector FC/APC. Agere Systems
43 269-D-270-D-14XX-A DFB, single mode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, PMF. No connector. Agere Systems
44 269-D-270-D-14XX-B DFB, single mode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, PMF. Connector SC/APC. Agere Systems
45 269-D-270-D-14XX-C DFB, single mode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, PMF. Connector FC/APC. Agere Systems
46 269-D-270-F1480-A 1480 nm pump laser module. D - isolated, PMF. Operating power 270 mW. A = no connector. Agere Systems
47 269-D-270-F1480-B 1480 nm pump laser module. D - isolated, PMF. Operating power 270 mW. B = SC/APC connector. Agere Systems
48 269-D-270-F1480-C 1480 nm pump laser module. D - isolated, PMF. Operating power 270 mW. C = FC/APC connector. Agere Systems
49 269-D-270-M-14XX-A DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, PMF. No connector. Agere Systems
50 269-D-270-M-14XX-B DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, PMF. Connector SC/APC. Agere Systems
51 269-D-270-M-14XX-C DFB, multimode pump laser module. Stable wavelength perfoprmance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm (wavelength 14xx). Operating power 270 mW. Isolated, PMF. Connector FC/APC. Agere Systems
52 2SC2078 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 27MHz RF Power Amplifier Applications SANYO
53 2SC2103A Silicon NPN epitaxial planar VHF band power transistor 27W TOSHIBA
54 2SC2314 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 27MHz CB Transceiver Driver Applications SANYO
55 2SC2508 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar VHF band power transistor 27W TOSHIBA
56 2SC4272 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 27MHz CB Transceiver Driver Applications SANYO
57 2SC4735 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 27MHz CB Transceiver Driver Applications SANYO
58 30KPA270 Diode TVS Single Uni-Dir 270V 30KW 2-Pin Case P600 T/R New Jersey Semiconductor
59 30KPA270A Diode TVS Single Uni-Dir 270V 30KW 2-Pin Case P600 T/R New Jersey Semiconductor
60 30KPA270C Diode TVS Single Bi-Dir 270V 30KW 2-Pin Case P600 T/R New Jersey Semiconductor

Datasheets found :: 140
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