No. |
Part Name |
Description |
Manufacturer |
31 |
HSP45256JC-25 |
Binary Correlator |
Intersil |
32 |
HSP45256JC-33 |
Binary Correlator |
Intersil |
33 |
HSP45256JI-25 |
Binary Correlator |
Intersil |
34 |
HSP45256JI-33 |
Binary Correlator |
Intersil |
35 |
HSP45256_883 |
Binary Correlator |
Intersil |
36 |
HSP48901 |
ImAge Filter, 3x3, 30MHz, 1D and 2D Correlation/Convolution |
Intersil |
37 |
LSH32 |
32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter |
LOGIC Devices Incorporated |
38 |
LSH32JC20 |
32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter |
LOGIC Devices Incorporated |
39 |
LSH32JC32 |
32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter |
LOGIC Devices Incorporated |
40 |
LSH33 |
32-bit Barrel Shifter with Registers |
LOGIC Devices Incorporated |
41 |
LSH33JC30 |
32-bit Barrel Shifter with Registers |
LOGIC Devices Incorporated |
42 |
MCS38140PG05C |
GPS Digital Correlator |
Motorola |
43 |
MCS3814OPG05C |
GPS digital correlator |
Motorola |
44 |
MX102 |
Autocorrelating Signal Processor |
45 |
MX102DW |
Autocorrelating signal processor |
46 |
MX102J |
Autocorrelating signal processor |
47 |
PDSP1601 |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
48 |
PDSP1601-MC |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
49 |
PDSP1601/A |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Zarlink Semiconductor |
50 |
PDSP1601/MC |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Zarlink Semiconductor |
51 |
PDSP1601A |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
52 |
PDSP1601AB0 |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
53 |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
54 |
0.5-7.0V; 18mA; ALU and barrel shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
55 |
PDSP1601GC1R |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
56 |
PDSP1601MC |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
57 |
ALU and Barrel Shifter |
Mitel Semiconductor |
58 |
TDC1023 |
Digital Output Correlator 64-Bit |
59 |
TMC2023 |
CMOS Digital Output Correlator 64-Bit, 30MHz |
60 |
TMC2220 |
CMOS Programmable Digital Output Correlators 4 x 32 Bit, 20MHz, 1 x 128 Bit, 20MHz |
| | | |