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Datasheets for X72 S

Datasheets found :: 98
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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
31 M377S3253AT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx8, 4Banks 8KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
32 M377S3253AT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx8, 4Banks 8KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
33 M377S3253BT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx8, 4Banks 8KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
34 M377S3253BT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx8, 4Banks 8KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
35 M377S3320AT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx4, 4Banks, 4KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
36 M377S3320AT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx4, 4Banks, 4KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
37 M377S3320CT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx4, 4Banks, 4KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
38 M377S3320CT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32MBx4, 4Banks, 4KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
39 M377S3320DT3 32Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32Mx4, 4Banks, 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
40 M377S3323AT0 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16MBx8, 4Banks 4KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
41 M377S3323CT0 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 32MBx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16MBx8, 4Banks 4KB Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
42 M377S6450BT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 64Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 64Mx4, 4Banks, 8K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
43 M377S6450BT3 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 64Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 64Mx4, 4Banks, 8K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
44 M377S6453AT0 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 64Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32Mx8, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
45 M377S6453AT0 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 64Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32Mx8, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
46 M377S6453BT0 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 64Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32Mx8, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
47 M377S6453BT0 SDRAM DIMM (INTEL 1.2 VER B 64Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32Mx8, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
48 M377S6453CT0 64Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 32Mx8, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data sheet Samsung Electronic
49 M390S0823ET1 8Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 8Mx8, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
50 M390S0823FT1 8Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 8Mx8, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
51 M390S1620DT1 16Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16Mx4, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
52 M390S1620DT1 16Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16Mx4, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Serial Presence Detect Samsung Electronic
53 M390S1620ET1 16Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16Mx4, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
54 M390S1620FT1 16Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16Mx4, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
55 M390S1723DT1 16Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16Mx8, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
56 M390S1723DTU 16Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on 16Mx8, 4Banks 4K Ref., 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD. Low profile Registered DIMM. Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
57 M390S2858AT1 SDRAM DIMM 128Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on Stacked 128Mx4, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V SDRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
58 M390S2858BT1 SDRAM DIMM 128Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on Stacked 128Mx4, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V SDRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
59 M390S2858CT1 128Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on Stacked 128Mx4, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V SDRAMs with SPD Data Sheet Samsung Electronic
60 M390S2858CTU 128Mx72 SDRAM DIMM with PLL & Register based on Stacked 128Mx4, 4Banks 8K Ref., 3.3V SDRAMs with SPD. Low Profile Registered DIMM. Data Sheet Samsung Electronic

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