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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
61 IR2110-1 High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down, High Creepage Package in a 14-pin DIP -1 lead package International Rectifier
62 IR2110PBF High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
63 IR2112 High and Low Side Driver, Shutdown Input in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
64 IR2112-1 High and Low Side Driver, Shutdown Input, High Creepage Package in a 14-pin DIP -1 lead package International Rectifier
65 IR2112-1PBF High and Low Side Driver, Shutdown Input in a 14-Lead package International Rectifier
66 IR2112PBF High and Low Side Driver, Shutdown Input in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
67 IR2113 High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
68 IR2113-1 High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down, High Creepage Package in a 14-pin DIP -1 lead package International Rectifier
69 IR2113PBF High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
70 IR2156 Ballast Control, Programmable Preheat Time and Run Frequency, Programmable Deadtime in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
71 IR2156TR Ballast Control, Programmable Preheat Time and Run Frequency, Programmable Deadtime in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
72 IR21814 High and Low Side Driver, SoftTurn-On, Noninverting Inputs, Separate High and Low Side Inputs, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
73 IR21814S High and Low Side Driver, SoftTurn-On, Noninverting Inputs, Separate High and Low Side Inputs, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground in a 14-lead SOIC package International Rectifier
74 IR21834 High and Low Side Driver, SoftTurn-On, Low Side Inverting Inputs, Separate High and Low Side Inputs, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Programmable Deadtime in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
75 IR21834S High and Low Side Driver, SoftTurn-On, Low Side Inverting Inputs, Separate High and Low Side Inputs, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Programmable Deadtime in a 14-lead SOIC package International Rectifier
76 IR21844 High and Low Side Driver, SoftTurn-On, Single Input Plus Inverting Shut-Down, All High Voltage Pins on One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Programmable Deadtime in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
77 IR21844S High and Low Side Driver, SoftTurn-On, Single Input Plus Inverting Shut-Down, All High Voltage Pins on One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Programmable Deadtime in a 14-lead SOIC package International Rectifier
78 IR2213 High and Low Side Driver, Noninverting Inputs in a 14-pin DIP package International Rectifier
79 IR3651S Controller IC is a high voltage PWM Controller designed for high performance synchronous Buck DC to DC applications in a 14-pin SOIC. International Rectifier
80 IR3651STRPBF Controller IC is a high voltage PWM Controller designed for high performance synchronous Buck DC to DC applications in a 14-pin SOIC. International Rectifier
81 IRHLA7630Z4 60V 100kRad Hi-Rel Dual 2N- and 2P- Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a 14-Lead Flat Pack package International Rectifier
82 IRHLA7670Z4 60V 100kRad Hi-Rel Dual 2N- and 2P- Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a 14-Lead Flat Pack package International Rectifier
83 IRHLA770Z4 60V 100kRad Hi-Rel Quad N-Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a 14-Lead Flat Pack package International Rectifier
84 IRHLA7970Z4 -60V 100kRad Hi-Rel Quad P-Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a 14-Lead Flat Pack package International Rectifier
85 IRHLG7670Z4 60V 100kRad Hi-Rel Dual 2N 2P Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a 14-Lead Flat Pack package International Rectifier
86 IRHLG7670Z4SCS 60V 100kRad Hi-Rel Dual 2N 2P Channel TID Hardened MOSFET in a 14-Lead Flat Pack package International Rectifier
87 IRS20124STRPBF Digital Audio Driver with Discrete Dead-Time and Protection. High and Low Side Driver in a 14-Lead SOIC package International Rectifier
88 IRS24531DSPBF Self-Oscillating Full-Bridge 600V Driver in a 14-Lead SOIC narrow boddy package International Rectifier
89 IRS24531DSTRPBF Self-Oscillating Full-Bridge 600V Driver in a 14-Lead SOIC narrow boddy package International Rectifier
90 IRS2453DPBF Self-Oscillating Full-Bridge 600V Driver in a 14-Lead PDIP package International Rectifier

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