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Datasheets for DATASHEE

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
61 2SC3141 CLASS A, 860MHz 24V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL080525-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3141, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
62 2SC3282A Class C, 800-960MHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM082081B-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3282A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
63 2SC3282A Class C, 800-960MHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM082081B-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3282A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
64 2SC3283A Class C, 800-960MHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM084081B-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3283A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
65 2SC3283A Class C, 800-960MHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM084081B-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3283A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
66 2SC3537 Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM092081B-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3537, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
67 2SC3537 Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM092081B-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3537, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
68 2SC3538 Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM094081B-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3538, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
69 2SC3538 Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM094081B-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3538, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
70 2SC3539 Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM096081B-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3539, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
71 2SC3539 Class C, 900MHz 28V power transistor (This datasheet of NEM096081B-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3539, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
72 2SC3541 Class A, 1.3 GHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL130681-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3541, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
73 2SC3541 Class A, 1.3 GHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL130681-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3541, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
74 2SC3542 Class A, 1.3 GHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL132081-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3542, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
75 2SC3542 Class A, 1.3 GHz 12V power transistor (This datasheet of NEL132081-12 is also the datasheet of 2SC3542, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
76 2SC3660 Class AB/C UHF 28V push-pull transistor (This datasheet of NEM060C69-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3660, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
77 2SC3660 Class AB/C UHF 28V push-pull transistor (This datasheet of NEM060C69-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3660, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
78 2SC3660A Class AB/C UHF 28V push-pull transistor (This datasheet of NEM080C69-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3660A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
79 2SC3660A Class AB/C UHF 28V push-pull transistor (This datasheet of NEM080C69-28 is also the datasheet of 2SC3660A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
80 2SC3814 Class C, 940MHz 7 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE090101-07 is also the datasheet of 2SC3814, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
81 2SC3814 Class C, 940MHz 7 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE090101-07 is also the datasheet of 2SC3814, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
82 2SC3815 Class C, 940MHz 7 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NEM090301-07 is also the datasheet of 2SC3815, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
83 2SC3815 Class C, 940MHz 7 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NEM090301-07 is also the datasheet of 2SC3815, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
84 2SC3816 Class C, 940MHz 7 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NEM090701-07 is also the datasheet of 2SC3816, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
85 2SC3816 Class C, 940MHz 7 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NEM090701-07 is also the datasheet of 2SC3816, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
86 2SC4090 NPN silicon general purpose transistor (This datasheet of the NE73439 is also the datasheet of 2SC4090, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
87 2SC4090 NPN silicon general purpose transistor (This datasheet of the NE73439 is also the datasheet of 2SC4090, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
88 2SK354A General purpose GaAs MESFET (This datasheet of the NE72089A is also the datasheet of 2SK354A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
89 2SK354A General purpose GaAs MESFET (This datasheet of the NE72089A is also the datasheet of 2SK354A, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
90 2SK406 Low Noise Ku-K BAND GaAs FET (This NE71083 datasheet is also the datasheet of 2SK406, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC

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