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Datasheets for PATIB

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
61 25C080 The 25C080 is a 8K bit Serial Electrically Erasable PROM with memory accessed via a simple Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI™) compatible serial bus. The bus signals required are a clock input (SCK) plus separate data in (SI) and data Microchip
62 25C160 The 25C160 is a 16K bit Serial Electrically Erasable PROM with memory accessed via a simple Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI™) compatible serial bus. The bus signals required are a clock input (SCK) plus separate data in (SI) and data Microchip
63 25C640 The 25C640 is a 64K-bit Serial Electrically Erasable PROM with memory accessed via a simple Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI™) compatible serial bus. The bus signals required are a clock input (SCK) plus separate data in (SI) and data Microchip
64 25LC080 The 25LC080 is a 8K bit Serial Electrically Erasable PROM with memory accessed via a simple Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI™) compatible serial bus. The bus signals required are a clock input (SCK) plus separate data in (SI) and data Microchip
65 25LC160 The 25LC160 is a 16K bit Serial Electrically Erasable PROM with memory accessed via a simple Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI™) compatible serial bus. The bus signals required are a clock input (SCK) plus separate data in (SI) and dat Microchip
66 293D Solid Tantalum Chip Capacitors, Molded, Standard EIA Case Sizings and Ratings, TANTAMOUNT®, Commercial, Surface Mount, Automatic Pick & Place Compatible, Optical Character Recognition Qualified Vishay
67 54ACTQ821FMX Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device shipped in 13 inches reels. National Semiconductor
68 54ACTQ821LM Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device with environmental and burn-in processing shipped in tubes. National Semiconductor
69 54ACTQ821LMX Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device shipped in 13 inches reels. National Semiconductor
70 54ACTQ821SDMX Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device shipped in 13 inches reels. National Semiconductor
71 54ACTQ821SMQB Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device with environmental and burn-in processing shipped in tubes. National Semiconductor
72 54ACTQ821SMX Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device shipped in 13 inches reels. National Semiconductor
73 54ACTQ821SPMQB Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device with environmental and burn-in processing shipped in tubes. National Semiconductor
74 54ACTQ821SPMX Quiet series 10-bit D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. TTL-compatible. Device shipped in 13 inches reels. National Semiconductor
75 593D Solid Tantalum Chip Capacitors, Tantamount® Commercial, Low ESR, Designed for Switch Mode Power Supplies & Converters, Molded Case Available in Three Case Codes, Automatic Pick & Place Compatible, Meets EIA 53 Vishay
76 5962-8780101XA 12-Bit Current Output, Microprocessor-Compatible DAC Analog Devices
77 5962-8780101XA 12-Bit Current Output, Microprocessor-Compatible DAC Analog Devices
78 5962-8850901XA Quad 12-Bit Microprocessor-Compatible D/A Converter Analog Devices
79 5962-8850901XC Quad 12-Bit Microprocessor-Compatible D/A Converter Analog Devices
80 5962-8850902XA Quad 12-Bit Microprocessor-Compatible D/A Converter Analog Devices
81 5962-8850902XC Quad 12-Bit Microprocessor-Compatible D/A Converter Analog Devices
82 5962-88659013A Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter Analog Devices
83 5962-8865901XA Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter Analog Devices
84 5962-89518012A High Speed, µP-Compatible, CMOS, 8-Bit Sampling ADC Analog Devices
85 5962-8951801RA High Speed, µP-Compatible, CMOS, 8-Bit Sampling ADC Analog Devices
86 5962-8961701LA Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter Analog Devices
87 5962-8963001EA Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiver National Semiconductor
88 5962F0151601QXA Radiation-hardenet 8K x 8 PROM: SMD. 55ns access time, CMOS compatible inputs and CMOS compapible outputs. Class Q. Lead finish solder. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
89 5962F0151601QXC Radiation-hardenet 8K x 8 PROM: SMD. 55ns access time, CMOS compatible inputs and CMOS compapible outputs. Class Q. Lead finish gold. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology
90 5962F0151601QXX Radiation-hardenet 8K x 8 PROM: SMD. 55ns access time, CMOS compatible inputs and CMOS compapible outputs. Class Q. Lead finish optional. Total dose 3E5 rads(Si). Aeroflex Circuit Technology

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