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Datasheets for NE

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
91 28C64A Note:This product has become 'Obsolete' and is no longer offered as a viable device for design.28C64A is a 64K bit CMOS Parallel EEPROM. The 28C64A is accessed like a static RAM for the read or write cycles without the need of external com Microchip
92 2N1408 PNP germanium transistor for high voltage neon driver, solenoid and relay driver circuits Motorola
93 2N1990 NPN silicon transistor designed for driving neon display tubes Motorola
94 2N4409 NPN neon display tube driver. Fairchild Semiconductor
95 2N4409 NPN silicon epitaxial transistor, designed for driving neon display tubes Motorola
96 2N4410 NPN silicon epitaxial transistor, designed for driving neon display tubes Motorola
97 2SA1223 PNP silicon high frequency transistor (This datasheet of the NE88935 is also the datasheet of 2SA1223, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
98 2SA1224 PNP medium power microwave transistor (This datasheet of the NE90115 is also the datasheet of 2SA1224, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
99 2SA1228 PNP silicon high frequency transistor (This datasheet of NE88912 is also the datasheet of 2SA1228, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
100 2SA1424 PNP silicon high frequency transistor (This datasheet of NE88933 is also the datasheet of 2SA1424, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
101 2SC1252 NPN medium power UHF-VHF transistor (This datasheet of NE74114 is also the datasheet of 2SC1252, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
102 2SC1260 NPN silicon microwave transistor (This datasheet of NE87112 is also the datasheet of 2SC1260, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
103 2SC1365 NPN medium power UHF-VHF transistor (This datasheet of NE74113 is also the datasheet of 2SC1365, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
104 2SC1424 Marking for NE73412 part number, 12 NEC (TO-72) package NEC
105 2SC1424 Marking for NE73412 part number, 12 NEC (TO-72) package NEC
106 2SC1424 NPN silicon general purpose transistor (This datasheet of the NE73412 is also the datasheet of 2SC1424, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
107 2SC1426 NPN medium power UHF-VHF transistor (This datasheet of NE416 series is also the datasheet of 2SC1426, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
108 2SC1600 NPN medium power microwave transistor (This datasheet of NE57510 is also the datasheet of 2SC1600-Grd D, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
109 2SC1656 NPN Silicon High Speed Switching Transistor (This datasheet of NE98108 is also the datasheet of 2SC1656 Grd C, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
110 2SC1658 NPN Silicon High Speed Switching Transistor (This datasheet of NE98141 is also the datasheet of 2SC1658 Grd C, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
111 2SC1662 NPN Silicon High Speed Switching Transistor (This datasheet of NE98241 is also the datasheet of 2SC1662 GRD C, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
112 2SC1924 NPN silicon high speed switching transistor (This datasheet of NE32740A series is also the datasheet of 2SC1924, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
113 2SC1925 NPN silicon high speed switching transistor (This datasheet NE32740B series is also the datasheet of 2SC1925, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
114 2SC2025 NPN medium power UHF-VHF transistor (This datasheet of NE416 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2025, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
115 2SC2150 NPN silicon microwave transistor (This datasheet of NE57835 is also the datasheet of 2SC2150, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
116 2SC2217 NPN silicon High Frequency Transistor (This datasheet NE21903 is also the datasheet of 2SC2217, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
117 2SC2558K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080190 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2558K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
118 2SC2558M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080191 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2558M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
119 2SC2559K Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080490 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2559K, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC
120 2SC2559M Class C, 860 MHz 12 volt power transistor (This datasheet of NE080491 series is also the datasheet of 2SC2559M, see the Electrical Characteristics table) NEC

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