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Datasheets for 16 X

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No. Part Name Description Manufacturer
61 LH28F160SGED-L10 16 M-bit (512 kB x 16 x 2-Bank) SmartVoltage Dual Work Flash Memory SHARP
62 LH28F320S3TD-L10 32 M-bit (2 MB x 8/1 MB x 16 x 2-Bank) Smart 3 Dual Work Flash Memory SHARP
63 M3494 V(dd): -0.5 to 14V; V(in): -0.5 to +0.5V; CMOS 16 x 8 crosspoint with control memory SGS Thomson Microelectronics
64 M3494B1 V(dd): -0.5 to +14V; V(in): -0.5 to +0.5V; 1W; CMOS 16 x 8 crosspoint with control memory SGS Thomson Microelectronics
65 M3494B2 V(dd): -0.5 to +14V; V(in): -0.5 to +0.5V; 1W; CMOS 16 x 8 crosspoint with control memory SGS Thomson Microelectronics
66 M50FLW040A 4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
67 M50FLW040AK5G 4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
68 M50FLW040AK5TG 4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
69 M50FLW040AN5G 4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
70 M50FLW040B 4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
71 M50FLW040BK5G 4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
72 M50FLW040BN5G 4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
73 M50FLW080 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
74 M50FLW080A 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
75 M50FLW080AK5 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
76 M50FLW080AK5G 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
77 M50FLW080AK5T 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
78 M50FLW080AK5TG 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
79 M50FLW080AN5 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
80 M50FLW080AN5G 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
81 M50FLW080AN5T 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
82 M50FLW080AN5TG 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
83 M50FLW080ANB5 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
84 M50FLW080ANB5G 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
85 M50FLW080ANB5T 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
86 M50FLW080ANB5TG 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
87 M50FLW080B 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
88 M50FLW080BK5 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
89 M50FLW080BK5G 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics
90 M50FLW080BK5T 8 Mbit (13 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors), 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash Memory ST Microelectronics

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